From Cells to Tissues: Models, Analysis and Applications
10-14 June 2024

Mathematical models of cell and tissue mechanobiology support experimental and clinical research by providing a framework in which to consolidate the profusion of experimental data being generated, facilitating the formulation of empirically testable hypotheses, and suggesting new experiments that have the potential to open unexplored directions of biomedical research. Moreover, the analysis and numerical simulation of these models, which have helped dissecting out the diverse mechanisms that underpin cell migration and tissue growth, have stimulated the development of novel analytical techniques and numerical methods. As a result, in recent years, these models have occupied the forefront of interdisciplinary research at the interface between biomedicine and mathematics and have fostered intradisciplinary knowledge transfer across the spectrum of the mathematical sciences. This summer school will offer lectures delivered by researchers whose scientific activity centres around cutting edge mathematical, physical, biological, and medical aspects of cell and tissue mechanobiology.
A beautiful location
Lake Como School of Advanced studies is located c/o Fondazione Alessandro Volta in the beautiful setting of Villa del Grumello, in Como, Italy

Venue & Accommodation
The Lake Como School of Advanced Studies is an international research facility. We run fellowships, short term programmes on a wide range of interdisciplinary subjects, that share a common focus on complex systems.